Tip of the Week - June 8, 2016 - School's Out - Tips for Safe Summer Driving

With schools closing their doors for summer and kids out and about playing, it's time to be extra cautious behind the wheel.  Keep an eye out for young pedestrians, skateboarders and bicyclists throughout the entire day.  Take extra care when driving near parks and playgrounds.  Sports equipment or toys in a driveway, or on a sidewalk, could be an indication  there's a child nearby.  Always watch for pedestrians when you have your car in reverse.  If your vehicle doesn't have a rear camera, walk around it before backing up to be sure no small children are behind it.

"These are good safety tips year round, but with young people not in school during school hours, it's safe to assume we'll be encountering them in neighborhoods and parking lots during all hours of the day," said CSLEA Foundation Chairman Kenny Ehrman.  "Slow down, look around, and have a safe, fun summer."